Richard Morris

Our philosophy isn’t to build, leave, and wait for your next project. It’s to “run the program”: start everything up, watch it working, and see where it could be improved further.
Phil Spencer

Cyber security frameworks provide an excellent basis for building your cyber strategy and increasing your security maturity. Here are our recommendations for five of the best frameworks to get started with.
Richard Morris

Moving to the cloud isn’t a switchover. It’s a journey. And unless you plan that journey correctly, you risk driving a thousand miles in the wrong direction.
Getronics Editorial Team

It is crucial to answer several questions before starting the software testing automation journey. In this article, we also help you to analyse some of the most important ones yourself.

The top five cyber security frameworks

Cyber security frameworks provide an excellent basis for building your cyber strategy and increasing your security maturity. Here are our recommendations for five of the best frameworks to get started with.

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The journey to cloud

Moving to the cloud isn’t a switchover. It’s a journey. And unless you plan that journey correctly, you risk driving a thousand miles in the wrong direction.

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Software testing automation – why & how

It is crucial to answer several questions before starting the software testing automation journey. In this article, we also help you to analyse some of the most important ones yourself.

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