Facilities Booking Made Simple


Effortlessly reserve and manage desks, rooms, booths, parking lots, and any other space with GetBooking, the single platform for all your company’s locations globally.

Elevate Your Workspace Management

Are you tired of the hassle that comes with managing office spaces and resources?

GetBooking is a cutting-edge SaaS facilities booking tool designed to streamline your booking process for desks, rooms, booths, parking lots, lockers, and any other office or building facility. Our user-friendly platform caters to the diverse needs of modern workplaces, ensuring that your spaces are efficiently allocated and utilized.

GetBooking brings forth a dual transformation:

  • Empowers you to craft frictionless hybrid work environments for employees, fostering productivity, collaboration, and creativity.
  • Equips you with invaluable data to reimagine space utilization, unlocking its full potential, and maximizing its impact.

Watch the GetBooking Solution in Action

What makes us unique?

We know you have plenty of choice in this market. Here are a couple of reasons why you may want to speak with us:

Empowering Facility Managers

With the Starter package, facility managers gain the ability to define:

  • Unlimited locations globally
  • Unlimited bookable resources such as desks, rooms, parking lots, and any other facility available for booking at each location
  • Floor maps for geolocation of resources
  • Authorized users and user groups for each facility, including Active Directory integration
  • Booking rules, including schedules, durations, mandatory check-ins, and much more
  • Usage reporting & space optimization data

Employees benefit
from a user-friendly interface to effortlessly book, extend, or cancel any facility – from an availability list or directly on the floor maps

For pricing info, get in touch with us directly or visit our listing on Microsoft AppSource

Elevated Functionalities

In addition to the Starter package features, the Premium package introduces:

  • Integration with Microsoft Outlook Calendar
  • Integration with Google Calendar

When employees are scheduling a meeting using these applications, the add-on empowers them to effortlessly book meeting spaces available on GetBooking.

This feature streamlines the entire process, making meeting planning hassle-free.

For pricing info, get in touch with us directly using the callback form or visit our listing on Microsoft AppSource.

The Ultimate Solution

Maximize your space management capabilities with the Enterprise package, encompassing the Starter and Premium features, and adding optional features such as:

  • Smart presence sensors to detect real-time occupancy of desks and meeting rooms
  • Advanced face recognition for secure building access and resource utilization
  • Seamless integration with cleaning services, ensuring a harmonized schedule
  • Custom integration with customer systems for a unified experience
  • Energy Efficiency add-on, enabling lighting and HVAC automation based on GetBooking’s reservation information

Choose GetBooking’s tailored solutions and shape your workspace management experience to perfection.

For pricing info for the Enterprise package, get in touch with us directly using the callback form.

At-a-glance floor plan views to locate available spaces

Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar integration

Presence sensors and face recognition integration

Enabling Energy Efficiency: ligthting and HVAC systems integration

What is a smart building?

It’s expected that smart buildings could reduce energy consumption, deliver new insights and boost productivity. But what exactly is a smart building?

Elevate your workspace today with our facilities booking tool!

Getbooking, Getronics facilities booking tool

Or request a callback by selecting Smart Spaces in the services dropdown of the form, and our team of experts will promptly connect with you to explore the optimal way of integrating GetBooking.

Don’t wait, embrace the digital future now!